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Templates of Education Processes of IPE Postgraduates
  2021-04-08 09:27:59   【关闭窗口】

During the postgraduate study at Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), there are several important Education Processes to be completed, including Topic Selection, Dissertation Proposal and Mid-Term Evaluation. The relevant materials of each process are listed below and the templates are attached at the end of the article:


1. Topic Selection:

Template of “Graduate Education Plan” (attachment 1)


2. Dissertation Proposal

Template of “Graduate Dissertation Proposal” (attachment 2)

Template of “Graduate Dissertation Proposal Registration Form” (attachment 3)


3. Mid-Term Evaluation

Template of “Mid-Term Report of Graduate Dissertation” (attachment 4)

Template of “Mid-Term Report of Graduate Dissertation Registration Form” (attachment 5)


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