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  2017-07-03 16:57:37   【关闭窗口】


Through a unique  collaboration between the of  The University of Adelaide (the University) and the in Beijing, the University is pleased to be  able to offer up to six PhD scholarships for the coming year. The recipients of  these scholarships will be registered as a fulltime PhD student of The   University of Adelaide, but will spend two years of their candidature at the  University and up to two years at the Institute. Further details of this  exciting scholarship program follow below.

To apply for one of  the scholarships, you should follow this procedure:

1. Send an e-mail to Associate Professor Bi (the University’s manager of the agreement)  that includes the following (all in English):

  • covering letter that  indicates which of the 5 projects below you are interested in (you may express  interest in more than one project) and, in no more than 50 words for each  project, why the project interests you;

  • your curriculum vitae;

  • scanned copies of you  academic transcripts in original language and English translation;

  • if relevant, a list of  any publications in print, press or submitted, being sure to show full details  of each publication so as they can be sourced by the supervisors or, if  submitted, a copy of the manuscript (as a PDF) and proof of submission (do NOT  include those in preparation);

  • if relevant, IELTS  (Academic), TOEFL (Paper-based), TOEFL (Internet-based) or Cambridge English:  Advanced (CAE) test in the 24 months preceding this application you will be  required to supply a copy of your English Language Proficiency test results  scanned copy of Certificate (if your degrees  were NOT taught in English; if the latter applies, please provide proof that  the degrees were taught in English in their entirety).

2. Upon receipt of confirmation of willingness  to supervise from Assocuate Prof. Bi, proceed to apply formally to admission to  the University and a scholarship using the standard application form, which can  be found at or . In the application, you must:

  • indicate clearly you  are applying for the IPE-CAS/UoA scholarship; and

  • attach the  confirmation e-mail from Associate Prof. Bi (no application will proceed  without this).

If you wish to know  more about any of the projects before applying for a scholarship, you should  feel free to contact one or both of the principal supervisors listed for the  project.

The scholarships are  open to both domestic and international students. Recipients of the  scholarships:

  • will be full-time students  of The University of Adelaide and will be awarded a University of Adelaide PhD  degree upon successfully meeting requirements of the degree;

  • will spend at least  two years fulltime equivalent at The University of Adelaide in Adelaide, and not  less than 12 months at IPE-CAS, in one or more blocks of time fulltime  equivalent at the Institute for Process Engineering in Beijing;

  • will receive a stipend at the APA/IGRS rate  (set to be $26,288 in 2016 tax-free) whilst residing in Australia, IPE-CAS will be wholly   responsible for the student’s cost of accommodation and other living expense  while in Beijing;

  • will have the fees for the PhD degree waived;

  • will, for international students, have  Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) covered for the period of candidature; and

  • will have access to all standard facilities  and other standard services enjoyed by PhD students at The University of  Adelaide and the Institute for Process Engineering.

The projects on offer  for 2017 are:

  • Hydrodynamics  of a solar hybridised dual fluidised-bed gasifier. Primary supervisors are Professor Peter Ashman and Professor Suojiang  Zhang. The aim of this  project is to assess the hydrodynamics of cold flow model of a solar hybridised  dual fluidized-bed gasifier.

  • Peptide-drug  conjugate for long-acting and targeting drug delivery. Primary supervisors are Associate Professor Jingxiu  Bi  and Professor Yongdong Liu. The aim of this project is to develop a   novel targeting drug delivery system based on peptide-drug conjugates.

  • Polyionic  liquids as new materials for desalination. Primary supervisors are Professor Sheng Dai and Professor Xiangping Zhang. The aim of this project is to develop novel  applications of ionic liquids in water treatment.

  • Design  of Photocatalysts for Solar Hydrogen Production: from Fundamentals to Practice. Primary supervisors  are Prof  Shizhang Qiao and Professor Dan Wang. The aim of this project is to design and   fabricate nano-structured photocatalysts, with high performance and low cost  for solar hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting.

  • Nanobiocatalytic  Preparation of Chitooligosccharidesas and Their Biological Function. Primary supervisors are Dr  Hu Zhang and Professor Yuguang Du. The aim of this project is to prerpare a   range of chitooligosaccharides with a controlled degree of polymerization  through enzymatic hydrolusis of chitosan. The biological functions of these  products will be evaluated.

Further information available on the website.

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